New year, new beginnings, and endless possibilities
New year, new beginnings, and endless possibilities
Mansfield, OH
While Jim Williams, Crystal Williams, Al Grajek, and Nicole are walking to the library, Nicole captures an unknown voice on her recorder not heard in real time. At 11 seconds, it sounds like, "Open," or "Oh man."
While walking the tier, Nicole captures a strange laugh not heard in real time at 3-4 seconds.
Nicole hears a noise while up on the tier with Jim, Al, and Crystal. She asks, "Is it you?" referring to a noise she heard down the tier. There is a response not heard in real time at 4 seconds that says, "No."
While investigating the Toilet Room, Jim, who was sitting on the stage, starts to get nervous when it makes a creaking sound, but something doesn't want him to get off because you can hear an unknown voice at 11 seconds say, "No," not heard in real time.
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