New year, new beginnings, and endless possibilities
New year, new beginnings, and endless possibilities
Moundsville, WV
Moundsville a.k.a. West Virginia Penitentiary opened its doors in 1866, building upon land previously owned by the Adena Indians. This tribe had used the lands for their burial mounds. Rumor has it that the prison was built directly over the top of one of these highly religious and sanctified places.
Moundsville closed its doors in 1985, leaving behind 119 years of extremely negative energy, as the United States Department of Justice said it was on their top ten most violent correctional facilities list. Setting aside the legitimate business of death in the from of hangings and electrocutions performed by the State, as in any prison system, there were bouts of internal violence so heinous that it left a definite imprint of that still lingers within the building today.
Lisa asks, "Is it raining?" Nicole asks, "Is it what?" and Lisa responds, "Raining?" Nicole then replies, "I didn't think so," with Lisa saying, "You hear it?" Nicole says, "No," and Lisa says, "It sounded like it was raining against the window." There is a voice that whispers, "No more please."
The Ovilus has an interesting conversation when Nicole, Lisa, and Lou Hovanes are conducting a session in Red's Cell.
Lisa Krick is reading off a list of names of the people hanged at Moundsville. You will hear an interesting reaction after she reads off the first name down by the Wagon Gate. This was not heard in real time.
While sitting on opposite sides of the cafeteria, Nicole and Lisa were seeing shadows darting back and forth between them. In this clip, Nicole captures someone humming quietly while they are discussing the lights. This is difficult to hear so we recommend wearing headphones.
In the two pictures below taken back to back by Lisa Krick in the Moundsville Cafeteria of Nicole Tito sitting across from her. The second picture clearly shows a black shadow entering the frame. Lisa and Nicole were the only two people in the cafeteria at this time and were seeing shadows and having strange feelings occur. Note that this was taken in the dark with a flash.
In the picture below taken in the psych ward, there is a definite shadow person in the doorway that Lisa did not notice when the picture was taken!
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