New year, new beginnings, and endless possibilities
New year, new beginnings, and endless possibilities
Rock Island, IL
While Nicole was taking full spectrum pictures outside the window towards the Mississippi River, she captured an interesting object in the water. This photo captures the object in the water, to the left of the pole.
This photo taken immediately after (2 seconds) does not show anything in the water.
This is a zoomed in portion of the video showing the unexplained object that appears translucent.
While the team was conducting an Estes Method session in the Blue Room at Quarters One of Rock Island Arsenal, interesting responses are coming through both spirit boxes as well as the team experiencing a sensation that something is coming down the hallway. The equipment does confirm that something has indeed entered the room.
While investigating the Blue Room at night using the P.R.I.C. device, Shannon believes she hears Nicole's voice coming through the device.
While investigating the Blue Room at night using the P.R.I.C. device, the team hears Lisa's name come through followed by a confirmation.
While conducting an Estes Method session in the 3rd floor bedroom, Nicole and Lisa have quite an exchange back and forth while acting as receivers.
While conducting an Estes Method session in the 3rd floor bedroom, Nicole and Lisa continue to have a long exchange back and forth while they both listen to their own spirit boxes. It appears that the two entities do not like each other.
While conducting an Estes Method session in the General's Office on the 1st floor, Nicole and Shannon are acting as receivers. Shannon is hearing some responses over the spirit box, then is touched, and the piece of the equipment in the doorway activates.
While conducting an Estes Method session in the General's Office, Shannon is acting as the sole receiver. She is hearing a lot of responses through her spirit box about something creeping and this is not a drill while the rest of the team is hearing footsteps near the office.
While conducting an Estes Method session in the General's Office at the end of night, Shannon is acting as the sole receiver. She is hearing a lot of responses to leave and stop. Therefore, the team decides to pack up for the night after an eventful investigation.
While investigating on the 2nd floor, the team stops when the furnace attempts to turn on, but then quickly realize that they are hearing footsteps below them.
While investigating on the 3rd floor in the Yellow Room, Cheryl is talking about how a flashlight just moved and right after that, there is a quiet whisper that says, "Yes." Note there is background noise with the team moving around equipment.
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